Saturday, June 28, 2008

janji jono

akhirnya nyampe juga pantat gw d batam,..hahaha
uda totally say goodbye ama malaysia, soalnya visa gw uda beres..hehhehehe

ada satu topik neh yg gw mikirin mulu dari td malem..yaitu "janji"
orang indo sering bgt buat janji, janji sini janji sana sampai kadang ga mikir "apa seh arti sebuah janji itu" 
akhirnya smua janji menjadi janji kosong,,coba perhatiin aja, klo ada satu yg ga tepatin janji trus klo d tagih pasti bilangnya "orang indo mah". emank ada apa dgn org indo? sama2 manusia kan? 
ya basically itu aja seh,,coba d pikir lagi janji itu sebenarnya apa.....

nothing much to say,..

Sunday, June 22, 2008

time to go

yeap, is the last 12 hours for me to stay in sunway malaysia!!
anyway  these past 2 days, i gathered with my friends (ecek2nya perpisahan) 
first night, i went to Toni Roma's with the other
 twelve. we had nice foods there, nice gathering, nice pictures and nice ice cream in hagan daze (gemana cara spellnya seh??) 

and the next day, i went to korean restaurant near mentari court, with another 5. still, we have
 a nice food, nice talk and everything is nice
the pictures are not yet available..hehehhe sorry bout that

oh ya, another crazy things is that the day before kher2 leaving malaysia, we had took some crazy pictures in our lovely house a-6-1...
here is it 

Saturday, June 21, 2008

say good bye

all the planning that i have planned before
it is only done a half, and the rest i cancelled it
i decided to go back to my place where i belong on this monday
and it today, it would be my last day in Malaysia, 
i really have not yet feel the sadness or anything that makes me feel sad
i was so confused with my self, i was thinking have i leave something here yet? did i finish my part here? or did i done my part as a friend?
i don't know..
but i think it is just the matter of time in missing something here

everything is so fine now! i get my things packed, get myself new jackets and shirts.
and i think it will be enough
oh ya, just few hours ago, i received email from monash australia regarding my request on the late arrival. yeap it is being approved!! happy!!
means i can delay my flight from 30th oh june to 3rd of july
anyway, i just don't feel like i wanna stay any longer here, it has been enough for me
enough in the sense of starting point.
but i gonna miss my house mates A61, my cell group, church mates, monash mates, and my "new" friends which is open day know who am i talking about dude!!

anyway, wish you guys enjoy your life, find out what is next for your life
and chase it when you can, don't lose that chance..
wish you guys all the best and hope to see you soon guys!!
God bless you all""have a great and bless day

Thursday, June 19, 2008

jumat yg belon ada rencana apa2

tadi pagi ada kejadian lucu
gw pergi medical check up tuh
perlu urin ama x ray
hari sebelonnya tuh, gw makan barang ama farid n vina (ceritanya abis blajar bio)
wakakkaa, gw makan si abang ..makan pete!!!
guess what..kencingnya donk..bau abis..hahahhahahahahahahhahahhaha

trus ya terlanjur lah, gemana lagi..akhirnya kencing masukin botol dengan bau2 pete
susternya pingsan kali yah...

skrg lagi bosan..pengen shopping!!!


akhirnya perjuangan selama 3 minggu dalam menghadapi 3 exam slesai juga
one hand, senang uda slesai but on the other hand, quite tao neh rasanya bosan aje
malah urusan visa ke aussi lom ada seberkas cahaya yg menyenangkan..
uda cape gw ngurusin yg ke aussi, uda sebulanan gw mikirin mulu..
makan ga netap (masa sih iya) lol, tidur ga cukup (pdhal main viwawa).. smuanya kacau de!!
tapi ya gw seneng aja pekerjaan Tuhan selalu on time,..but i hope visa bisa lebih cepet dari on timenya..klo gw bisa kriting gw!!
start from application, offer letter, payment, ticket, ecoe, smuanya sangat on time..bener2 ON.pas pasan ama waktunya!!
lama2 bisa gila juga gw...hahahahhahaha

anyway, now i have to enjoy my holiday!!
but not sure where to start!! 
this week might be my last week in malaysia..(i hope so)**
and start from now on, i have to keep my eyes open,  to see everybody surrounding me
include our lovely security pak HALIM..hahahahha
planning for this week:
friday cell group (might be last cell group)
saturday attend talk, continue by korean dinner
sunday morning church continue by the pre-departure breafing
monday dont know
tuesday to thursday become a driver and tourist as well
hopefully friday back to singapore
than spend my week end over there with family
and monday flying to melbourne
wow!! cool...

hopefully my plan will goes fluently and goes with chronological order

anyway anyway anyway
thanks for those post their chat on my chit chat box