Saturday, September 12, 2009


udah lama banget ga post
sebenarnya banyak banget yg gw mao critain, cuman karena badai malas melanda mulu
jadi ya begitu lah

ga kebayang uda semester 5 gw d uni, 3 semester lagi gw lulus dan gw ga tao gw mao ngapain
dan hitung2 uda 3 semester gw d melbourne. banyak bgt perubahan. dari hidup sampai hidup (apa coba) ya pokoknya perubahan
mikir2 kykny gw jadi makin bego, bhs indo gw bner2 uda brubah jadi jelek bgt, bhs inggris juga ga maju2 jadi mao komunikasi pake bahasa apa coba

but yeah, back to business
i've been suffering in depression for past few months. dont ask me why, cause i dont know
couple months ago i had an urge to get my ticket and fly back to indo. . an out of sudden idea

i've been thinking too much, way beyond my control and my expectation -fantasy
i have no idea on what i want and what i need
strange, stranger, weird, awkward. thats all i can say to describe myself
i lost my self identity
well whatever, forget it

okay back to campus life, last sem was great, this sem seems to be just okay
cos everybody have their own stuffs to take care of
this sem is not the so called 'saddest' sem as i expected,
cos the distance between our friendship seems to be moving and switching from one to the others
most of my good friends here, well i should say all of my good friends in berwick is leaving soon
in 2 months time, and i dont know when and where i will see them again
their last sem,, sad ..but nothing else i can do, besides preparing my self to say good bye, and maybe shower in tears,
great to get to know you guys,

okay ,ots of stuff to say but im lazy, (massive headache atm) lame

till then take care