Tuesday, September 23, 2008

it is finished

these are all the pics during my CB assignment 2..3000words business report,....
<== this one is token in the comp lab, i did my assignment there for 2 days, stayed until 5am (since it opens e24 hours) 
and the rest is the situation in my friend's room..u see how messy is that..
i hope our effort on this assignment is worthy..i wanna get HD HD,,...T.T

ow there was a bowl of indomie..
it was our early breakfast..6am didnt sleep for the whole night!1 hahahahha
since saturday until tuesday, we stayed up until 8am, and sleep for few hours, and continue again....u see hoe stress we are... 

another messy yet fear yet funny yet happy day

these are my HK friends...and with whom i laugh and i fear lol

alrite, the title seems so complicated..
actually i have a lot of things to post..
but lets start from this current one..
ALMOST FIRE- almost famous 
haha..yeah almost almost and almost...
i almost do the same thing again..which is fire alarm
long cut short, i help my friend to make beef pie..
and i just did some experiment, and i put some of it into the microwave, guess what happen? the pie was BURN
the smoke came out from the microwave and it was alot...
so shock!! run here and there to make sure the fire alarm wont ring..
it was really funny..and the funniest part was the video recording..
our neighbor instead of taping us than help us out..
but thanks for him,,it was really funny when i look at the video..ahhahaha
that is just a little part of it..but still....
oh ya...at the end the fire alarm didn't ring..
i think at that moment i almost kena heart attack!! wakakkakaka

everything just came back like before, we all went to the room and do assignment *sigh* 
one of my friends randomly asked "do you want to see my ads? i did that in HK" (she is HK)
"ohh, alrite....!!"
started with the very normal scenes,,and suddenly we saw her appeared on the screen and she did quite ridiculous movement (is not her style) which is posing like a model and take picture in the mall..
the rest of us laugh like shit!! hahhaa really SHIOK!! hahahhaha

it just another entertainment during our assignment! 
anyway feel free to watch our "burn puff" video!! 

free from my assignments...^

Monday, September 22, 2008

another messy day

 as usual my blogging time is always my assignment time
consumer behaviour assignment is really sucks!! alot to write and discuss, is a 3000 words report
my day has become night and my night has become day
yesterday, i stayed up until 8am, did my assignment in my friend's room
my notes and my books were everywhere

this assignment is basically about consumer behaviour it self (as the units name). 
have to analyze consumers' perception, involvement, attitude, social class, opinion leader, and group influences, the purpose is to let the marketers know, how important are these things in developing the marketing strategies. 
it is actually quite interesting, however the topics are too deep, is kind of behavioural studies or can classified as the part of psychology studies. 

and i realized, marketing is not just about selling and promoting the products and brands,
but it requires in depth understanding of consumer behaviour. what makes consumer interested in our product, what is their perception on our products, is our product involve a high or low degree of involvement. as well as how important is GOSSIP

think about this, how many times have you ask the opinions from your friends when you want to buy something? can u see how powerful is their opinions, they can simply just say something which will affect your buying behaviour. 

when you heard about junk food, what will you think? unhealthy? do you realize how powerful the mass media are? they can just report, yesterday someone died because having too much big m*c. and tomorrow the restaurant will become very quite. everyone 'kia si' lol. 

and do you realize that time by times, mass media and your superstar are trying to manipulate you. they teach you how to wear! they tell you the latest style! they do everything in order to change you.. question now is WHY? simple $$ money. 
how many of you have watched Gossip Girl? do you realize that most of the time they bring some particular brands in their scenes..what are they trying to do? simple PROMOTION
telling you that by using this, by wearing that you will have the different social class, you will look different with others, you are just perfect!! *evil* 

Gucci? LV? Chanel? 
prestige? self satisfaction? whatever your needs and motivations, marketers are targeting you now !!!
be aware of it!! 

Saturday, September 20, 2008

nini's blog

nini can u see this??
this is how your blog looks like in my browser 
so i faced difficulties when i want to read it
why why why ?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

my new printer, is a photo printer,..disaster

yo wes, hari ini ga bisa bangun pagi, jadi ga ke greja...
tapi nyusul ke kelas foundation greja..jadi nyampe juga d city
abis kelas fondi, temen gw dari berwick dateng..
jadi jalan de..
jalan ntah kmana dari melbourne central ampe flinders street.. 
dari bourke st ampe colin st, ampe elizabeth st 
smuanya de
intinya capek
dalam perjalanan, ada satu row ruko getu, pada jual kamera..pas bangaet gw ama temen gw lagi nyari fim polaroid (critanya baru beli) second hand dari ebay..heheheh
trus gw liat2 lensa, lagi ngincer yg baru macro lense 100mm

abis itu gw liat ada photo printer canon, lagi promosi trus kecil dan portable
jadi gw decided tuk beli, pas uda nyampe rumah 
gw pasang tuh printer
coba ngeprint langsung dari camera, eh bisa..keren yah..
abis itu masukin cdnya k laptop, mao install!! eh ternyata mac gw versi baru
itu cd untuk versi lama,,,berhubung baru beli, jadi semangat mencari d internet masi ada
eh ternyata gw dapet installernya
jadi gw install, dan gw coba pake printernya
ternyata it works... tapi pas pertengahan, kertasnya jam !!masyarakat..

ini printernya, bawah tuh hasilnya..lumayan loh hasilnya!!

ini cartridge plus photo papernya satu set, ga bisa terpisah!
ini cartridge yg uda rusak akibat paper yg jam!! sedih!! padahal masi ada 8 kertas yg belon terpake!!
ini isi dari cartridgenya.. kertas transparan warna warni..hehehhehehehe
intinya, gara2 jam itu, trial photo pack gw which is 10 lembar angus..(yg angus 8) untung k print 2!! 
jadi aga sedih sekarang, ...huh moga2 mesinny ga rusak meski paper jam!!!

sekian terima kasih

Friday, September 12, 2008


i just found out another funny stuff from my can of drink MOTHER
can you see that? "warning high caffeine content..ok, we know that's why you're drinking it but our lame legal guys made us warn you not to feed this to kids, up the duff women or the weak who just can't tolerate it.
cool rite?
i love this packaging, it really attract consumers (when they actually read it) 
since im studying marketing, i think i will watch this MOTHER and see how the ads is..

visit library 2008 week 10

as the title above! 
today which is saturday!! im here! in library 
currently in the lazy mood of assignment so just open up the blog and update it!!
alright, due to my assignments due next
 week, i have to spend my week end fully on them..

feel a bit sleepy even i woke up at 12 today
so i decided to buy the drink from the vending machine, i saw one unique can in the vending machine, so i decided to try it, because it is new for me
and when i got that can of water, i actually dont know what the taste is
and the funny thing is the brand "MOTHER" under the name it stated "mother of all energy kicks" (AGAIN DONT KNOW HOW TO MOVE THE PICTURE PROPERLY) 
i just wonder where is the father! lol...

pa kabar gw??

berhubung uda lama ga update blog,...
jadi gw kabarin de kabar gw!!
kabar gw baik2 d sini
assignments mengggila...week 10!! the kille
somehow hari ini gw aga seneng..soalnya masuk lab (comp lab) buat tutornya animation culture!!
buat animasi..di ajarin dasar2 flash!! lumayan...ikan yg gw gambar bisa bergerak..mata bisa berkedip
at least ga teori lagi!! ada prakteknya....
oh ya...mao tao jadwal exam gw...
nih dia: (padahal tadi uda paste, malah munculnya d bawah) rese

ternyata., gw baru sadar klo gw ga begitu bisa pake blog ini
knp klo gw abis upload picture, gambarnya selalu muncul d paling atas, pada gw uda click d bawah... trus knapa abis gw enter, tulisan gw juga jadi ikutan center!! stress stress

hahahaha, anyway uda liat kan tuh time table!! cuman 2 paper bok
slesai tanggal 27 okt!! cepet abis..
tapi major assignment animation culture, due datenya tgl 24 oct!! jadi conclusionnya seh exam tgl 23, 24 ama 27!! hehehehhehehehehheheheheh

liat baik2 ga? venuenya caufield!! 
gw tinggal d berwick, kampus d berwick!!
tapi examnya d caufield, tmt pacuan kuda!! wakkakakakakakak
tao brapa jauh? 
measure dari :
malay: sunway ke cyberjaya (kaga ngebut) 
singapore: pasir ris ampe boon lay (mrt)
batam: nagoya ke nongsa (nyamperin lucky plaza makan bak kut teh dulu ) pake mobil

di sini berwick caufield naik train approx. 40 min. (belon bangun pagi, jalan ke train station, nunggu train, sempit2an ama yg mao kerja, train yg dudul kadang suka telat, kadang suka berhenti kelamaan d station2 tertentu) 
jadi bayangin aja!!
gw harus brangkat naik train yg jam 6an kali buat exam yg pagi...
alasannya :
1. klo trainnya mogok, bisa nunggu yg satu lagi
2. bisa cari2 tempat duduk dulu
3. bisa cari tau di mana tuh exam venuenya
4. kaga sempit2an ama om2 n mbak2

**train d sini cmn ada setengah jam sekali, kadang sejam sekali..jadi bayangin klo d tinggal train, trus brangkat jam 7...telat lah nyampe d caufieldnya..

oh cuaca d sini...
pas gw nyampe sini winter,,dingin, angin kencang, malam apa lagi
bulan september skrg, spring..siang kadang 17 kadang 21 (hari ini panas seh) tp angin sepoi2..
malam tetep dingin tp ga sedingin winter
nah, november donk...SUMMER dikirakan siang up to 41 derajat!! bayangin..malam blon cari tao
kamar ga ada ACnya lagi...slama ini cmn buka jendela (kadang malah ga buka pake heater lagi) 
oh summer..i will be here waiting for you!!!

oh ya trus mulai tanggal 3 oktober, day light savingnya bakal d plus sejam
jadi klo di:
malay ama sing jam 5, d sini jam 8
klo d indo jam 5, d sini jam 9
ini bakal berlangsung ampe april (klo ga salah)

sekian dulu untuk update terkini
bakal kembali lagi bersama Dino d channel yg sama 
waktu TBA..hehehehehhehehe
see ya!! 
God bless