Friday, January 1, 2010


new year, supposed to be a great start ahead
but, randomly my dad called on me, asked me why you guys never talk to me.
i had no idea how to reply him, heaps of answers appeared in my mind, but i just couldn't let it out, more on what to tell him.
at the end i said I DON'T KNOW

he started talking on something that i couldn't really get what he was trying to say.
next he said everyone's life has their purpose, and he asked me what's their purpose, i said everyone has different purpose of life.
he continued by i have fulfilled my purpose of my life, so what is next? im useless now.
he said he wants to see his children to be successful, but until now, no one has reach that point yet. (speechless)
the worse thing is he said 'i know your uncle's children gonna be excellent, but mine, all are stupid' yeah he said STUPID!
towards the end, he said i gonna die 'cham'...

i dont know what he wants,
all i know is he is selfish and he always think of something stupid instead of something positive,
i dont know what to do, I AM FRUSTRATED!!


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